vineri, 14 martie 2008

Mother Night

O adaptare reusita dupa romanul lui Kurt Vonnegut, unul dintre cei mai buni scriitori americani contemporani , un fel de "tatic" al miscarii literare actuale.Din pacate, acesta a murit anul trecut la varsta de 84 de ani.Nu fara a lasa o mostenire considerabila sub forma unor carti precum Cat's Cradle /God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater/Slaughterhouse-Five /Breakfast of Champions

Ce faci cand esti un spion american care nu poate scapa de imaginea de nazist fervent?("Your role will remain classified, and Uncle Sam's official position is you're the scum of the earth.")
"I was deposited on to the streets of New York, restored to the mainstream of life. I took several steps down the sidewalk when something happened. It was not guilt that froze me; I had taught myself never to feel guilt. It wasn't the fear of death; I had taught myself to think of death as a friend. It was not the thought of being unloved that froze me; I had taught myself to do without love. What froze me was the fact that I had absolutely no reason to move in any direction."

Un film in care apar personaje dubioase cum numai Vonnegut putea crea . Printre care un anumit "Black Führer of Harlem" :)
Probabil ca mai multe din scrierile lui Vonnegut ar trebui adaptate cinematografic.Pana acum insa au fost doar doua :Mother Night si Breakfast of Champions(dealtfel nu prea reusit). Am pus in calcul doar romanele, nu povestirile.
"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.", spunea el.
Nimic mai adevarat...

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